Articles on exciting current legal issues


Who pays for a broken thermal bath? The tenant or the landlord? – 10 answered questions on the subject of repair, maintenance and servicing in the case of defective boilers, hot water boilers, etc.   Contents: Who pays for a broken thermal bath? Tenant or landlord? What types of housing does this rule apply to?…

Agreement of the location surcharge in the MRG: Basics, checklist & formulation suggestions

In practice, the location surcharge in the MRG is calculated correctly by many owners and shown in the rental agreement, but the absolutely necessary justification for this location surcharge and the description of the relevant circumstances often cause difficulties. The following article therefore offers appropriate assistance:   Basics : A location surcharge is only permitted…

Furniture rental in old buildings: as a landlord, can you charge a fee for furniture and fitted kitchens – and if so, how much?

Often times, landlords are accused of either completely wrongly would have asked for furniture rental or that this would have been far too high.   In addition to the question of whether furniture rental (also known as inventory rental) can be charged at all, the specific calculation and the contractual wording in particular often lead…

EU Passport (dual citizenship) to the descendants of Jews who fled the Nazis

The Austrian government offers the Austrian citizenship to descendants of persons who fled Nazi persecution.   A new Austrian law which becomes effective on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020, gives the descendants of persons prosecuted by the Nazis the possibility to become Austrian citizens without having to give up their present citizenship or nationality in order…

Would you like to live and work in Austria?

Would you like to live and work in Austria in the middle of the EU? Here is a way to get a possible residence permit! Watch our video and contact us for further information. We would be happy to guide you through the whole process.

Can you film police officers doing official acts?

Can you film police officers doing official acts? – Yes, you can and should.   Sooner or later everyone comes into contact with the police. For most of us, this happens during a traffic control or when interviewed as a witness. In some cases, however, misunderstandings or even false accusations can arise. According to Statistics…

Corona measures in Austria: what is allowed now?

The COVID-19 easing regulation has been in force since May 1st, 2020. In the video contribution, in the course of our series “Tips from the Lawyer”, we deal with five practical questions about the mask requirement, public transport, excursions, driving and restaurants.